How to do an L-Sit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Form and Progress


Learn the LSit it‘s a challenging intermediate-level calisthenics core exercise that will strengthen your abdominals, hip flexors, and quads. You‘ll be surprised at how improving your core will increase your overall fitness level and control. With practice and dedication, it‘s possible to master the LSit and reap the rewards.

How to do an L-sit?

L-sit can be done on the floor, or using any equipment like, yoga blocks, dip bars, or parallettes.

To do an L-sit:


Start by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your palm down flat on the floor just outside your hips. Then press into your palm and try to lift your hips off the floor, forming a 90-degree angle at your hips.

At the same time try to lift your feet off the floor and straighten your legs, so that your body can form an ‘L’ shape. Hold this position for as long as you can, then slowly lower your hips and legs back down.


  • Make sure you are engaging your core muscles to keep your hips and legs off the ground.
  • Take rest for 30 seconds – 1 minute between each repetition.
  • To progress the exercise, try doing the L-sit with your feet on an elevated surface or with a straight arm position.
  • Be sure to maintain a neutral lower back throughout the exercise and avoid any excessive arching or hunching.
  • Use Support – If you’re having trouble maintaining the position, you can use blocks or towels underneath your hands and feet to add a little extra support.

Benefits of L-sit:

Improved Core Strength: The Lsit is an advanced exercise that requires you to hold your body in a straight line while balancing on your hands. This forces your abdominal muscles to engage and strengthens them.

Improved Shoulder Strength and Stability: The L-sit requires you to hold yourself up with your arms straight, which helps to strengthen your shoulder muscles and stabilize them.

Improved Mobility: It requires mobility of the hip flexors and upper body, which improves flexibility and range of motion.

Improved Balance: The L-sit requires you to balance yourself on your hands while you engage your core and other muscles for support. This helps to strengthen your balance and proprioception.

Improved Posture: It requires you to focus on holding a straight body line, which can help to improve your posture in daily life.

Read this article: The Perfect Calisthenics Beginner Workout: Get Fit and Feel Great!

L-sit progressions: L-sit

Seated Knee Tuck: Sit upright in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on either side, or slightly behind, your hips, and press your palms into the seat of your chair. Support your weight with your hands as you lift both knees off the floor and move them towards your chest. Lower your knees back to their starting point and repeat.

Single Leg L-Sit: Sit on the ground and spread your legs out to form an L-shape with your body. Place your arms in front of you and lift one leg off the ground. Maintain the leg lift while keeping your back straight and core engaged. Hold this position for 25-30 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.

Full L-Sit: Sit on the ground and spread your legs out to form an L-shape with your body. Place your hands in front of you and start to lift your body off the ground. Keep your back and core straight while holding this position for 30 seconds. Release back to the starting position and repeat.

Common L-sit mistakes:

Not Keeping the Core Engaged: The core needs to remain activated during an L-sit to keep your body balanced and your legs lifted off the ground.

Not Keeping the Shoulders and Upper Arms Engaged: The shoulders and upper arms also need to remain engaged and active to keep the body stable and in line.

Not Keeping the Back Straight: An L-sit should be performed in a neutral spine position, so it’s important to keep the back straight to avoid putting strain on the lower back.

Not Keeping the Legs in a Straight Line: Be sure to keep the legs extended and together to maintain the correct form and keep balance.

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